
One of the most serious complications of substitution therapy in patients with hemophilia is the development of antibodies directed against factor VIII or IX, resulting in a hemostatic therapy becomes ineffective. Antibodies block the procoagulant activity of factor VIII or IX, and therefore are called inhibitors. The presence of the inhibitor in the blood is confirmed by specific studies, called the Bethesda test unit – a unit of Bezeda (DE). The greater the concentration of the inhibitor in the blood, the greater the number of units Bezeta. Low-titer inhibitor is from 0.6 to 5 BU, high-more than 5 BU.

Those patients who are pronounced increase in titer inhibitor considered 'high responding', those who have it a little – 'nizkoreagiruyuschimi'. At the present time to determine the titer of the inhibitor used in the modification of the method of Basedow Nimedzhen.Opredelenie potential inhibitor is mandatory in each patient before treatment and in its process, and with no effect on the ongoing replacement therapy. Treatment of patients with hemophilia inhibitor has a dual purpose: 1. stop bleeding in patients with low response is achieved by high doses of clotting factor concentrate in 2 – 3 times higher than raschetnuyu.Dlya stop bleeding in patients with high response using concentrates prothrombin complex (CPC) and activated prothrombin complex concentrates (KPK), which provide hemostasis through shunt tract, that is to bypass the action factor VIII / IX. Drew Houston wanted to know more. Of these, the most effective therapy thrombin by direct activation of factor X without requiring the participation of factor VIII. Shown that the shunt active Feyba provide the following reactions: 1. Doronin insists that this is the case. Running a common mechanism of coagulation by the formation and action protrombinaznogo complex 2. Running an internal pathway, which control the thrombin-dependent activation of feedback.

3. Running an external pathway through fHa-dependent activation and VII follow-FVIIa-dependent activation of fX. Such a multifactorial mechanism of action provides the duration and the physiology of its clinical effect. The drug is recommended to introduce a dose of 75-100 sredenm units / kg every 8-12 hours. The maximum single dose is 100 IU / kg, and the daily 200 U / kg. It must be remembered that in excess of doses increases the risk of thrombotic KPK adverse reactions. In addition KPK to stop bleeding in patients with inhibitor forms 90-100 200 or more mg / kg. A significant drawback of the drug is its extremely high cost. In combination with antifibrinolytic recommend designate the funds as NovoSeven contains activators cytogene. Described von Willebrand factor (fB) – Oktanat (production Oktafarma). Recent data confirm the greater efficiency in the use of fVIII concentrate containing fB in the induction of immune tolerance – Oktanat than highly Concentrates of factor VIII, and recombinant plazmaleticheskih.

Tomas Navarro Tomas

Tomas NAVARRO TOMAS (1884-1979) his charged twenty-five years of experience, fertilized with the teachings of the poor, rough and difficult life, have matured his manly figure and his soul of pastor, poet and militiaman. Feel the tragedy of Spain, the sacrifice of the people and the Mission of the youth with depth and breadth. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Francisco D’Agostino. It serves his people as a poet and as a soldier. His spirit, on a pure ideal of Justice and freedom, poured generously in his poetic compositions and in his military life dignity of tone, rhythm and the concept, they relive epic ballad resonances in their lips in many passages. The prologue to the people (1937) wind. Miguel Hernandez, poet farmer in the trenches, by T. Navarro Tomas. THE voice of a great PHILOLOGIST Tomas Navarro Tomas, belonging to the first class or first generation of disciples of Ramon Menendez Pidal, along with Damaso Alonso, Federico de Onis y Vicente Garcia de Diego, is not strictly literary critic, but his studies of pronunciation, intonation, and metric have contributed in many ways to illuminate the difficult technical problems in the analysis of the poetry.

Its Spanish metric. Historical and descriptive review (1956), is a seminal work on versification. A compendium of the same was published with the title art of verse (1959), a book whose apparent modesty, very typical of its author, must not hide their usefulness. Tomas Navarro Tomas philologist born in the Roda, Albacete, on April 12, 1884 and died in Northampton, Massachusetts, on September 16, 1979. He attended primary school and the first years of high school in his hometown, then continued his studies at Villena. He studied philosophy and letters in the University of Valencia and the Central University of Madrid, where he was student of Menendez Pidal and that doctorate in romance Philology in 1908. It oposito to the optional body of archivists, librarians and archaeologists and took position of its Plaza in avila in January 1910, and months later, in the national historical archives in Madrid.