Two-thirds of the German Internetshopper have cancelled already once an order press release 1.08. 2008, because the visited shop seemed not serious enough for them. Recognized seal of approval provide a solution recognized at page provider and online customers alike on the Internet for this problem of confidence. A highly regarded enjoys the trusted shops seal of approval”. For us, it was crucial that operators of site, on their Web site of the trusted shops seal of approval is found, have to undergo scrutiny with more than 100 individual criteria”, says directions Director Kerstin Schilling.
The free money-back guarantee should be particularly interesting for our customers, which insures them, when they get when buying online in advance financial so to pay a product E.g. by cash in advance, credit card or bank transfer.” The certified online merchants are trusted shops as directions now in the category”. Already, 250 of the total 1600 directions stores carry this label. They for the Customers lucrative combination of Cashback and all-round safe package ‘ we intend to further expand in the future. Together with trusted shops, we plan to increase the number of certified shops”, so Kerstin Schilling. Safety-conscious online shoppers can look forward so.
You get in directions not only 10 starting credit and 2% cash back on every purchase, but can comprehensively insure themselves during the ordering process. Directions: is the cash bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. Instead of premiums and coupons, users receive cash transfers which directions from 30 euros on your own account. Directions credits 2% of the net goods value to users when online purchases and pays a starting credit of 10 euros at initial registration. It is free to use. Directions was founded in September 2007 by the co-founder of the software provider Intershop and founder of PIXACO Karsten Schneider, Kerstin Schilling and Roland Fahie. Trusted shops: Is the Cologne-based company was founded in 1999 in Europe Market leader in the certification of online shops. Trusted shops checked the dealer after more than 100 individual criteria such as credit, price transparency, customer service and data protection. In the past seven years, more than 5,000 dealers were tested, of which currently 3,000 online stores carry the coveted seal of approval with a money-back guarantee. Detailed background information, press. Press contact: Kerstin Schilling, Tel.: + 49 (0) 3641-81 56 74 / E-Mail: