In Internet many of their users have problems at the time of detecting uncertain pages Web and possible swindles by Internet, esteem that 50% of the users own serious lagoons as far as norms of security in Internet, the Spanish Civil Guard have realised a test of safe navigation, which was proposed by the National Police in its page of Tuenti ” Plan With you ” to his almost 50,000 users. The spokesman of the Civil Guard I communicate Europe Press that almost half of the users who participated in the test tapeworm ” lagunas” in subjects of security in Internet, although they made a test that he looked for to be simplest possible for the internauts. ” test With you ” it owns eight quite simple and pleasant questions they have described since them since they were elaborated by specialists in Internet and they try to obntener of a fast way an evaluation on the users according to has explained the Main directorate of the Police and the Civil Guard. The way to accede to this test is entering in and anyone can accede to try on to itself and to help to consider knowledge of the users and to perhaps learn a little security online. Within the eight questions situations can be detected to which any young person in Internet can be found and the three test offers posibiliades to choose one that is the correct one, these questions estan related to social networks and like handling personal information, photos like even handling before swindles online and some against ciber harassment, like using banking keys, acting against the infantile pornography, subjects of security and privacy online. Anyway the page of the National Police and the Civil Guard contain information, advice and videos of interest for the security of the young internauts: ” cyberbullying” , the drugs, social integration, the equality of sort, the road security, the harassment, the threats and the swindles, besides offering ” Test With you ” Soon this ” Plan With you ” that it is a channel that allows to the users through the direction to realise consultations and to solve the doubts that they have on computer security, if they need aid in some case in particular can be gone to that direction. Also they have informed that a 75% of the consultations are on ” cyberbullying” , scholastic 15% on harassment, a 10% on traffic, drug consumption and forces of security and a 5% to request advice by violence in the familiar scope. This platform was beginning by the Department of the Interior the past 4 of November. Form leaves from ” Plan Director for the Improvement of the Coexistence and the Escolar” Security; , that it began in 2007, with the aim of fighting against the violence in the scholastic surroundings, and with special attention to the harassment, the use of Internet and the drug consumption.
Berlin Wall
The "Post Cold War, the" gladnost "perestroika and the fall of the Berlin Wall, symbolizing the end of the confrontation of the Western world, led by the United States and the Communist world led by the Soviet Union. dissolution of the Soviet Union as an interpretable triumph of the Western world, has reinvigorated the system of representative democracy, as political paradigm. The same, with the market economy, seem to be the parameters from which, will be processed from now on the problems of the countries of the earth. But the effect of a market economy will take to extend its benefits to all corners of the earth. The concept is obviously applicable to our beloved Argentina. Our own experience and studies, suggest that for long periods, a significant segment of the population remain outside the scope of the benefits of market economy.
Even in many cases the benefits will reach that part and go to other methodologies for subsistence. This situation of need, could be solved gradually, if the return would promote a concept that seemed almost closed in the corner of the memories I am referring to the domestic economy. Perhaps this concept, just tell them to under forty, and especially to those of this age group living in large cities. However, there was a time when at home, and especially, the humblest, were bred poultry sausages were made and preserved, was woven and tailored clothes, baked bread, and so similarly, almost self-sufficient families. Then came the industrial society (in fact in most places was only fragmentary and Argentina almost a caricature).
Brazilian GIP
The diffidence if justifies, mainly because the crisis comes if dragging it has already some years, and seems that the improving measures taking for the European authorities, beyond not having had effectiveness in the direction to revert the situation, also do not find endorsement popular, and is without the shadow of a doubt necessary to have much caution before burning resources being part of a joint effort predestinold previously to total the failure. Also, the sum of the resources of supposed ' ' ajuda' ' of Brazil mentioned above in them she seems so lowermost, that at least it would make tickles in the feet of the monster of the crisis, is enough to see the numbers of the financial hole of a country with so small economy as Greece, the ball of the time, what it will say of economies more expressive as Spain and Italy, or the trillion necessary one for the block all. On the other hand, our side, who in the aid? The goal of growth of the Brazilian GIP for the year of 2011 already was reviewed for low, and for the year that comes, our crystal balls still are with the half focus embaado to give to serious support to the adivinhao exercises and futurologia, but the certainty is that it does not come good thing for there. For even more opinions, read materials from Francisco D’Agostino Venezuela. Our structural problems still are all for deciding, even so the smoke and the fogos of artifice of the last government have vendido the idea of that everything this way already is solved and that the things they go to a thousand wonders. To the part of the necessary bilionrios investments for the accomplishment of the Pantry of Soccer in 2014 and of the Olimpadas in 2016, our serious typical problems of underdeveloped country as basic sanitation water treated and collection to sewers: 55% of the Brazilian residences do not have linking of collection of sewers and, of that it has, given of the IBGE they inform that 70% of its collected dejections are repassed directly to the nature without any type of treatment -, sucateada public health and declared insolvent morbidamente I morbidamente do not want to be repetitive here when telling the almost daily cases of sick people becoming vacant desesperadamente of hospital in hospital to the vacant search, nor of that they are interned for treatment in corridors, where remain in foot per days receiving attendance (the type of attendance imagines that is conferred to them).
Baikal Environmental Wave
Later, already applied to the Ministry of Natural Resources General Prosecutor of violations of environmental laws, and the amount of damage has grown to 4.2 billion rubles. A preliminary hearing on this lawsuit was to be held on Wednesday, March 5. In turn, appealed to the leadership BPPM Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources, in charge of the Rosprirodnadzor. In the near future arbitration court of the Irkutsk region consider the claim to the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill Rosprirodnadzor, which requires the department to reimburse $ 4.2 billion rubles for the damage to Lake Baikal damage as a result of the work without a license for water use. Meanwhile, representatives of Baikal Movement and the NGO "Baikal Environmental Wave, 'March 9 staged in defense of Lake Baikal: ice crosswalk under the slogan' Baikal Baikal Pulp without '. The main requirement protesters – to close a hazardous industry on the shores of Lake Baikal, and in Baikalsk to organize a special economic zone of tourist-recreational type. Lake Baikal – a unique body of water, which is the deepest lake the world and capable of holding 20% of clean drinking water planet.
Lake Baikal is home to 52 species of fish, including the famous Baikal omul. In 1996 Lake Baikal was included in the list of World Natural Heritage by UNESCO. Global Warming inevitable fact that global warming on the planet is inevitable, acknowledged last week once again the Chinese scientists.
Review article frosty wind of change review news week. The vagaries of nature: cold and snow in Russia lead to disaster. Rosprirodnadzor: continuation of the events. Environmentalists oppose the nuclear waste. Russia joined the Convention on Tobacco Control. Tiger Week: accident, a foundling, and the attack on the logger.
Bullfinch – a bird of the year 2008: an expert commentary. Review from 21/01/2008 to 27/01/2008. A short overview of the major environmental news for the week. Poplars are able to eliminate the effects of pollution U.S. scientists have come to the conclusion that the poplars are able to cope with urgent in our time has hit the problem of environmental pollution. Thus, it became clear that these trees so unloved in Russia for its ‘intrusive’ down, absorb and break down very carcinogenic industrial solvent trichlorethylene, widely used in many fields, including medicine and print production.
—- The temperature of the permafrost layer has been steadily increasing for three years, the temperature of permafrost in Russia was almost twice as high. As reported by ITAR-TASS, the disturbing results of observations on the eternal permafrost in Russia provided the Japanese scientific and technological Agency for Research on land and sea (JAMSTEC published in Tokyo.) three years, this is not thawing soil, located on the three-meter depth, was warmer. —- Climate change threatens humanity disappearance, said WHO Director-General opened in Geneva on the 122nd session of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO), speaking in front of her participants, WHO Director General Margaret Chan stressed that climate change, growing instability and internal conflicts have a negative impact on human health and undermining the global system health, reversing earlier gains in this area. —- In the United Arab Emirates will be the most ‘green’ city in the world earlier this year to begin construction of Masdar City – the first city in the world without carbon dioxide emissions, without the usual vehicles and no waste. Today at the World Summit future of energy in Abu Dhabi, the WWF and the government of one of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – Abu Dhabi – presented a new model city, which will meet all the strictest principles of sustainable development. —- Earth waiting for the ice age of global warming on Earth will not be. With such a sensational statement was made by Dr. Mathematical and Physical Sciences Khabibullo Abdusamatov. Moreover, according to a scientist in the next 50 years, the planet can expect a new glacial period, that would affect 80% of the world’s population. And though his colleagues Abdusamatova forecasts are skeptical, scientific advice to start preparing for global cooling now. —- The role of terrestrial ecosystems in the binding greenhouse gas emissions: more questions than answers Terrestrial ecosystems, absorbing or releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, nitrogen oxides), thus not only participate in the global carbon cycle, but also exert a significant influence on climate. But no less important is the converse impact – the impact of climate change on the processes occurring in ecosystems. In an article published in the journal Nature, Martin Heimann (Martin Heimann) and Marcus Rayhshtayn (Markus Reichstein) from the Institute of Biogeochemistry Max Planck (Jena, Germany) emphasized that the relationship Climate and processes within ecosystems, remains still very poorly known. It is clear only that the effects of global warming can be mitigated as ecosystems, and amplified.
Jose Herraiz Dpto
Secondly we have to do is to make sure that the information received is correct, so we will have to verify that the jewel is duly proven, the contrast is the application of the guarantee mark, after the analysis carried out for that purpose by official laboratories, as proof of quality and suitability of the analyzed products, according to the provisions of law 17/1975 of 1 July. So therefore all gold piece should be contrasted, so we will reject any jewelry that does not have the guarantee mark. Well the Act exempts from the obligation of contrast in the own piece, to those jewels which by its small size or its design could be damaged by the same brand. In this case we should demand the contrast on a plate or additional sheet. This is the way to check that we are really buying a gold jewel. But when it comes to setting the price of a gem involved other much less objective factors such as your brand name or design, so the price of similar parts can vary significantly from one establishment to another, it is therefore advisable to visit a number of them in order to establish what is the price that we will consider just by the piece that interests us. In this sense Internet makes it very easy, so comfortably and without leaving home, at a time when we can see lots of necklaces, bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings, necklaces and compare their prices. In addition Jewelries online, also known as Jewelries or virtual shops offer us the advantage of more competitive prices than traditional retailers, therefore not having to bear the expenses of structure of these, can offer us more reasonable prices; its main disadvantage lies in not being able to see the jewel live, therefore it is advisable to buy only those online jewelry covering us our money if once received, we see that purchased jewel does not meet our expectations. M Jose Herraiz Dpto commercial all in jewelry online original author and source of the article
Tips For Making Money With A Website
Did you know that there are ordinary people who became millionaire selling programs on the Internet about how to learn to play music by ear, how love girls in a bar or publishing of senior executives 39 ideas on what to do if you only have $500 in the bank account? It sounds unreal, but businessman Alex Ochart ensures that it is not only possible, but any person or entrepreneur can make money on the internet, without having to be a technology guru. The problem of the internet is that many people don’t know the and believes that missing graphic designers and other complications makes, he said in an interview with business. OChart worked for more than 20 years in the audio industry and was the owner of several businesses for sale, rental and installation of audio visual equipment. Five years ago the Executive went to an event in Miami that changed his life, there he met Jermaine Griggs, the now millionaire creator of Hear and Play, a business that has more than two million annual customers who buy music online to play of ear and more than 200,000 faithful to its electronic publishing subscribers. Thereafter, Ochart changed the course of their business, retired sound industry and entered to the web. Today is dedicated to advising corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to monetize their interactive pages. Pillars of success to ensure success on the Internet, the interviewee pointed out that there are four pillars that the entrepreneur should know before you begin.
The first of these is that the money is in the list. If you do not save the name, phone and email of the people, you’re losing money. However, advises that you do not attempt to sell something for the first time, but it is limited to provide valuable information to clients. The second pillar is related to the previous Council, and consists of information sells and sells well.
A Council, before reading this text the best is to contact some element of nature, as light an incense, a candle, touch water or a plant, because you will have another vision of what you are explaining, since touching an item activates the energy of the Earth. It’s like speaking a common language and capture not only the words, but what there is beyond them. In addition to the environmentalist thinking it is true that we see lately a more environmentalist stance reflected in the media, trying to people worry more about the planet, but that is little regarding what you should do. Talking with my teacher, a being of great wisdom and love called Nintan, you’ve externado that there are many projects in favour of planet by environmental groups and that can generate positive change, though he has explained to me that: this aid is low, even when dissemination and promotion of awareness by saying no throw trash or do not use products that damage the planet, etc., is not enough. Is like telling a child not tread on there or don’t do this, and he is not going to obey, is going to continue even when you tell him that no, why? Because that has actually a change and that everyone can know is it should not throw garbage and others, is that you must teach who are affecting. Generally see that they are affecting a mass of matter, which is the planet, but they are not seeing that they are affecting to a living being. Even if it is a large subject, it has life, a personality, has feelings and you have not seen it as well. Most of their ancestors Yes saw it as well, they had a very big respect for his planet, but you through time have forgotten him and we don’t want to realize that who are affecting is his own mother.Very difficult is what I’m going to say, but actually it is so, it is as if you at this time were about your mother spitting you and throwing debris on top, it is as if you were opening the bowels to get cancer and diseases.
The Police
The police aimed with their electrical pistols and loaded against the disabled one. A neighbor of the zone noticed the officials that well the young person could not communicate. The mother of the attacked one demands damages and prejudices by illegal use of the force. Two agents of Dayton, city located to the Southeast of Ohio (the USA), attacked a disabled young person thinking that this one were needing to the respect. After several misunderstandings, the police used their pistols of electrical unloadings against Jesse and was arrested.
Everything began when Jesse Kersey left in bicycle near its house to give a return and the Willie official stopped to him with the intention to do preguntass to him. Before the difficulty of the disabled one, of 17 years, to communicate, the agents thought that she was a lack of respect towards the police body and they began to him to shout. Jesse was put nervous and been towards its house so that her mother helped him to explain the happened thing, which caused a new misunderstanding in the officials when thinking that this one was occurring to the flight. By the way, one of the neighbors clarified a the agents who were an error and that Jesse could not speak with normality, but these asked that she separated to him or, otherwise, would be arrested. When arriving at house, the mother of Jesse, was her son who was being aimed by two police.
Once inside, the defendant, Hooper and Howard, used their pistols and realised electrical unloadings in the back of Jesse, that was asking that stopped. Next, they there were dew to him with pepper aerosol. Jesse was handcuffed and they took it in the police car, defendant of assault to a peace official, resistance to the authority and obstruction of the official functions of the agents. The mother of the young person, Pamela Ford, assures that the agents already knew that his son was disabled and who it was a junior. In agreement with the denunciation realised in the County of Montgomery, Jesse, after one pretends lack of respect to the agents, left running to look for its mother to clarify the situation, since he could not solve the problem nor communicate so that the police understood to him. In addition, in the denunciation, friendly of the district assure that they noticed to the demanded agents several times of which Jesse was disabled and podia not to understand what it was sucendiendo. Nevertheless, the court of minors of the County of Montgomery declared to innocent Jesse and the positions in his against were eliminated. Jesse and its mother both demand damages and damages to Dayton and officials, by illegal halting, illegal arrest, malicious persecution, assault, aggression and excessive and illegal use of the force.
Santa Maria Novella Language
In addition it studied the Italian vernacular language, the Latin (the frank language of that time), the Proven1cal one, and in fact it inserted some verses in this language in the Purgatorio. It is necessary to indicate that in the Average Age the fall of the Roman Empire left a dozen of small States, so that Sicily was remote cultural and politically of Tuscan, as this one were it of Wins: the regions did not share the same language nor the same culture and the mass media were difficult. When she was 9 years old found Beatriz Portinari, daughter of Folco Portinari, with which one fell in love at first sight, and apparently without still to have spoken to him. Frequently saw it after the 18 years, often interchanged greetings in the street, but never he himself with effectiveness got to know it proposed the example for the supposed courteous Love well. It is difficult to understand what this love included/understood in fact, but something extremely important for the Italian culture it happened. It was in the name of this love that Dante gave to its impression to the stil Dolce nuovo that would influence to writers and poets to discover the subject of the Love, that before so it had never been accentuated. The love by Beatriz, apparently, was the reason of its poetry and its life, along with its political passions.
When Beatriz died in 1290, Dante tried to find a refuge in Latin Literature. Then it was dedicated to philosophical studies in religious schools, like Santa Maria Novella. This excessive passion by the philosophy would be criticized later by the personage of Beatriz in the Purgatorio, the second book of the Divine Comedy. Wikipedia remembers to us, that Of Vulgari Eloquentia (Eloquence in the vernacular language) is the title of a test of Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially it wanted to consist of four books, but Dante aborted the idea after the second.