Private Retirement Savings More Important

Generation Rentenschock private retirement savings more important than ever no new insight is that the citizens must solve by the deceptive illusion of a sufficient statutory pensions to secure the usual standard of living. Due to the demographic development and one to the time shortly before the collapse of the State pension insurance system, the automatism, after pensions equal shares rose with the income of workers, was abolished in already established more than a decade. Thus was created the deliberate and fiscally sheer way multi-layered retirement, at the same time led to a modest increase in the statutory pensions and a growing need of the Government-funded private pension. Although informed early and persistent reports in the press about the further development of the pension situation regularly shock the German population. So recently became known, that the statutory pensions level according to the forecast of the Also could fall by 10 per cent by 2025. This Bill arises from the possible reduction of the level of backup, so the ratio of an average earner pension after 45 years of contribution to the current median income, now 50.8 percent to 45.2 percent. Thus continues a trend, which without private pensions will increasingly likely poverty in old age. The average pension was less than twenty years ago still nearly twice as high as the State basic backup, so this value has been reduced now trend on the factor of 1.35 continue falling.

Meanwhile, Federal far around 400,000 retirees are considered poor and have public support. So it is little wonder, then, that currently around 660,000 of pensioners over 65 on a mini job are instructed to cover their financial needs. These figures still mean not the end of the flagpole, can in the light of future further declining statutory pension levels, the growing number of low-paid, unstable Purchase biographies, the later career and the retirement transition is increasingly more complicated design are easily traced. It is therefore all the more important to understand the seriousness of the situation and the need for personal responsibility and to operate a sustainable retirement early to escape poverty and enjoy a financially worry-free retirement. Various forms of occupational and private pensions (such as the “Riester” and Rurup pension) learnt a State funding. The forward-looking Saver then the pre-programmed future shock messages can make sleep”, the Managing Director of JuMFinanz UG advises Marco Otter leg (limited liability).

About insurance insurance, a company of JuMFinanz UG (limited liability) has based in Marburg. On its Internet portal, it offers basic information on the following topics: Riester-rente, Rurup pension (basic pension). Post-employment benefits, Sofortrente and payout plan, life insurance and pension, unit-linked life insurance and unit-linked pension insurance, British life insurance and British pension insurance, disability insurance and invalidity insurance, private health insurance. How to contact with Stefan Gobel JuMFinanz UG (haftungsbeschrankt) reel 1 35037 Marburg Tel.: 06421-1685500 fax: 06421-1685480 E-Mail:

SLM Solutions Provides Results

First-time application of nanoparticles in the laser beam cladding nano-particles used so far in the production of scratch-resistant automotive paints or as UV protection in sunscreens. The number of applications is high however and the versatile properties. “The Nano-part project funded by the BMBF production technology for Nano-particle layers to tools”, which looked after Karlsruhe (PTKA) by the promoter is, deals with the application of nanotechnology in the field of plant engineering and demonstrating innovative applications in the printing and stamping. Target is the coating of rollers, which place high demands on the wear resistance in the printing industry. To the ennui to counteract Antigleit or not hydrophilic properties, ceramic nano particles in the coating process should be applied together with metal powder on the rollers. In the field of paper punching technology, however, is the realization of a resource-efficient and at the same time low-cost manufacture of abrasion resistant punch lines on thin substrate panels, which enables the stamping foil and paper materials, required.

SLM solutions as partners of the project in decisive contributes to the successful implementation of the objectives set by the BMBF. In collaboration with the laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., the company Kocher + Beck of Rotary-stamping technology and the company Avantys engineering is the laser beam cladding of steel-ceramic composite layers for the paper cutting technique tested. We can say at this stage that we are capable of making surface and local coatings of components with constant storage of micro / Nano particle mixtures by means of laser beam welding”, says Dr. Schwarze, scientific coordinator of the SLM Solutions GmbH. should the use of technology in the future to the material savings in the production of Rotationsstanzwerkzeugen and lead to a natural of environmental resources.” On May 8 and 9, the SLM Solutions GmbH in a community presence is the results with federated partners introduce the innovative project on the Rapid.Tech in Erfurt of the trade fair for product development by the production of a prototype to the direct production of the final product and its components on the stand 2-310. Learn more about the project see: verbundprojekte/vp/index.htm?VP_ID=2386.

About SLM Solutions GmbH, the SLM Solutions GmbH, manufacturer of machines for small series and Pro types production in Lubeck, Germany, supports its customers for more than 50 years with solutions in the fields of vacuum casting, metal casting and selective laser melting. Focus industries of the SLM solutions are the automotive industry, educational institutions, consumer electronics, aerospace, and medical technology. Developed as a pioneer and technology leader, designs and builds SLM solutions technical and economic solutions for the benefit of their customers. SLM solutions brings many years of experience in the rapid manufacturing plant construction a, dominated the processes and has cross-industry know-how. SLM solutions has their awareness and their expert knowledge in the market under the company names HEK GmbH, MCP HEK Tooling GmbH and last MTT technologies GmbH set up.

Federal Government

In accordance with the Ministry of the Work and Job Basically, the RAIS is an Administrative, nationwide Register, with annual, obligator regularity for all the establishments, also those without occurrence of employment bonds in the exercise, having this type of declaration the Negative denomination of RAIS. The initial objectives of the RAIS if summarize to the suppliment of the necessities of control of the working activities of the country, the provisions of data for elaboration of statisticians of the work and the disponibilizao of information of the research and work market the diverse governmental entities. This project will be used of such information, that if become then secondary sources for this research, however official of the scale of the Federal Government and here representative of the dynamics of the productive structure of the state for the degree of abrangncia as well as of the characteristic of annual regularity of the collection of information. The data had been used in its official publication later they will suffer another treatment, described in the following section. In this project it was opted to the data of the RAIS with presentation of some item that better configure the conception of dynamics of the productive structure that will be worked in this research, between these item have: ) how much with the type of I tie had been used the statutory ones, the celetistas, temporary and the doubtful ones; b) how much to the abrangncia the employees of the year are involved all base in 31/12 and movements of the off admitted ones and; c) how much to the obligatoriness the establishments had been applied all, exactly those that had not presented movements; The item above detached also are extended for the 0 variable, average value of the remunerations in the economic activities, being these only the available ones and brought up to date for the municipal sphere and reach for all the Brasil5.3.1 the advantages of the data selecionadosEste item takes care of the requirement of the objectives considered for this project, that would need information stops to characterize the economic importance of the space concentrations of the formal job, the average value of the remunerations and the number of establishment for economic activity. .

The Petroleum

The prophecies about petroleum seem to be complying. The price of the barrel stays above US $130 and it is generating innumerable conflicts. For worse, there is no alternative fuels that can replace oil in the short term, and while from OPEC is blamed speculators, pushing upward the price of the barrel when from supply and demand do not justify. It seems that biofuels are not the solution to the energy issue but a new problem, shown with the great debate that have generated worldwide and accusations that receive, be the cause of the rising world price of food situation that is also generating conflicts both or more serious that the caused by the rise in the price of oil itself. In Europe the level reached by the price of a barrel of oil is generating numerous disorders. In Spain specifically, the situation is the most difficult of the euro zone. In the month of may, inflation in Spain in his Interannual variation reached 4.6%.

This is not only a problem for the living conditions of the Spaniards, but also for the competitiveness of its economy. To get an idea of the worrying thing is the data of inflation, the level reached by the same, has no record since 1995. Clear that the oil price is one of the main responsible for this phenomenon. It seems that the inflation rate moved above 4% there, and intends to stay, since this is the fourth month in which is located above this value. But the problem in Spain is not rising prices itself, but the unleashing of other conflict situations that this same generates. It is so, product of the strong rise in the price of fuel, a group of truckers sector comes forward carrying a large strike and already has claimed one life. This strike is the worst faced by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero since he assumed the Government of Spain in March 2004.

GOPComedy Club

Host Ludger k. conducts bi-monthly with spontaneous kamikaze moderation by the Club evenings full of surprises In the January Club find themselves shooting star and winner of the Prix Pantheon 2009 Cloozy Haber, standup comedian and author Markus Barth, the winner of the 7 Dortmund cabaret and Comedy PoKCals Volker Diefes a. You must have seen Cloozy Haber! In her show, the Berlin comedian presents all their great guy: the Hamburg Secretary Helga RASP, to the usually ill-tempered Berlin Street musician Karin, the sexually offensive Vienna gallerist Leni by Resi and the dolls of Uschi and Bernd and,… Markus Barth’s strength lies in the spontaneous, quick thoughts. What is morning in the newspaper is evening already in the program.

He finds topics that still not umpteen times were true. He’s not kidding–he paints pictures in the head. Fast, up-to-date, refreshingly saucy and surprisingly original. Volker Diefes rock across the stage, heated tempers with stories about latest technology, apps, advertising, Krefeld, his Papa and education in General and fired the audience in a highly original way with a punch line after another. Please go to the roller coaster ride through the insanity of the apparent normality! Tue, January 31, 2012 at 8: 00 tickets: 20 euro (erm.

15 euros) for further press information contact: Sabine Herget, press and public relations, GOP Variete Essen GmbH & co. KG, Rottmann str. 30, 45127 Essen Tel. 0201 2479312,

National Institute

According to the last data published by the National Institute of Statistic, the occupation in rural lodgings in Spain the past increased to month of February a 2.6% with respect to the 2008 and 315,887 reserves for this type of hotels were registered. These statistics demonstrate that the rural tourism becomes, more and more, in an option for which they look for to flee from the multitude. Being useful that approaches the bridge of the Second Passover,, the travel agency online leader in the world, proposes tempting prices to know towns close, sprinkled of nature and in places without agglomeration sign, like an alternative to remain in a hotel in Barcelona or one of the hotels of Madrid. Salmantino calmness in a privileged enclave the mountain ranges to the south of Salamanca hope to the traveller in search of tranquillity, and in them, are towns that have known to maintain to defense their traditions, landscapes and typical architecture good. One of them is Candelario, located to the feet of the Natural Park of declared Candelario Reserve of the Biosphere. This mountain town it is, without a doubt, one of the tourist centers of greater importance of the region of Bjar. With several centuries to its backs, still it conserves its medieval atmosphere, its old pavement, its spectacular forests and their famous inlays. proposes to lodge in the small mountain hotel Five Chestnut trees, a good example of the rural tourism in Castile and Leon. The building, constructed in 1994, only has outer rooms with the purpose of to guarantee the best views of the Mountain range of Bjar. To only one hour of Salamanca, recommends to make a trip to visit the University, the House of the Shells, the Greater Place and the old helmet (Patrimony of the Humanity). When returning to the hotel, a dinner with typical plates of the locality can be a good form to finish the day.

Profitable Business Advice

If you have already read all the clever books are able to speculate on abstruse topics, every day doing spiritual practitioners, and believe that already achieved a lot, try to create their own, well at least very small but profitable business. We can also simplify the task. Let the profit will be equal to $ 100. per month. Easy? Did you check out. But you all know, in all are good, so here you should have no difficulty. I must say that the more you read smart books, the less likely that you have something happen. Why? Because you overestimate its ability.

You think you know it and here it is, can this and that. But this is only the assumption of illusion and fantasy, nothing more. That is, the more you know, but do not do anything, the more you fly away in an illusory world. And the greater will be your disappointing yourself, when you start doing something. But if you do not start, it's probably even worse.

Creation and maintenance of his favorite things we can not even compare to reading books, training courses and seminars and so on. This all fun and exercise is really my favorite thing – a true and real life. The man who begins to build his case, like the tiger, who lives in the wild. Needed here and intuition and will power, and strong character and dedication, bravery, in the end. And what you need for a tiger in a zoo? Only to please the audience (the bosses) and get a day his food (salary). And nothing more. No trials, no development, no movement forward.

Mexico End Of Magic

The reforms, the tax package as well as their criticism and their counter-proposals, only speak of overcoming the crisis and reduce poverty (the country and the large majorities), but avoids mentioning that the only way to achieve a status of wealth and well-being is working. A sad story, before addressing the issue. A seller of crabs offered them in two different baskets: the first hermetically sealed and the second completely open, the question about the difference seller answered; in the first I have Canadian crabs that support each other to get out of the basket, but in the second, facing Mexican crabs when one of them manages to climb the walls of the basket, others jalan so it is unnecessary to cover them. In societies that respect the success (especially those of Saxon/Protestant origin which associated it with honest work), the predominant culture also tends to respect legality, at least apparently, and as a result the prevalence of successful citizen, is accepted as socially positive and beneficial for the whole community, in other words an icon to be emulated. In our society, the success is associated with illegitimacy (SIN); This is especially clear in terms of economic success, since the frustration of not achieving translates into suspicious of media used by others, for their achievement and a feeling that legality is not respected nor respectable, since it allows others to have what one does not have. Our purpose is not to delve sobe historical and cultural backgrounds of our ambivalence against success, but it seems appropriate to mention that the Hispanic/Catholic tradition, leads to think that wealth and power are granted (by God, the King, the President etc.) and consequently work is not necessarily associated with success. Power and wealth are views, not to be objectionable, as a kind of resource management, of unknown origin, to benefit others in free and discretionary way (while the subject who judges be benefited), constituting a species of cascade of authoritarian grandeur process. .


Some orphans were educated by feminine religious orders, that had the intention to preserve them of any vice and the bad way. The girls children of the privileged elites had beyond the basic slight knowledge of the reading and the writing, Frenchman and piano lessons that they were given in its proper houses for particular teachers or in religious schools. They were also added to its education ' ' abilities with the needle, the embroiderings, the culinrias incomes, abilities, as well as the abilities of control of the servants and serviais' ' (BLOND, 2004, P. 446), making all this apparatus it has left of the education of the young women of the high society. The conception of the society of the time was of that ' ' women would have more to be educated of what instrudas' ' , she has seen, them would not need knowledge or information, but yes of moral formation and good principles, since its destination was of wife, the mother and owner of house, being its social attribute of educator of the children, or better, of responsible for the formation of worthy citizens. According to Parrot (2004), this can be perceived in the first law of public instruction of Brazil, of 1827, cited for Lopes (1991, p.4): The women lack more than instruction in such a way, inasmuch as they are who they give the first education to its children, Are they who make the good and bad men; they are the origins of the great clutters, as of the great goods; the men mold its behavior to the feelings of them. Century XIX together with brought the modernization of the society and it necessity of an education for the women, associating itself the work with the order and the progress and the modernization of the society with the construction of the citizenship of the young. .

Motor Business Retailers

" However, despite all the advantages of outsourcing, many retailers are seeking to organize its motor business. Causes create your own ATP is not always an economic one. "In the West, widespread outsourcing. As for us traders tend to be autonomous and no one could depend. This is especially the Russian character and Russian business. Domestic retailers are not yet accustomed to the fact that in Russia, someone can provide quality services and continue to live on a "DIY", says Roman Rodyukov.

Meanwhile, the Western trade networks, by contrast, are trying to give this work into the hands of partners. For example, a hypermarket materials Castorama (owned by British group Kingfisher), when entering the market of St. Petersburg, concentrating all its energies and resources on core activities, gave the delivery of goods at home partner – ATL Northwest. Under this project ATL purchased leased vehicles "Gazel" and Renault Kangoo, has picked up additional staff. In fact, for buyers hypermarket employees ATL is part of Castorama. This point is especially stressed Valery Maltsev: "In Vladivostok, we, for example, cater to a large network of household appliance stores. Moreover, its customers and have no representation that the goods they deliver another company. If the customer chooses, we dress the staff in the corporate form.

Thus, the company gets in our ability to delivery, providing services on its behalf. " According to Valery Maltsev, such a scheme beneficial to both sides: serving several companies, 050 service orders "can provide a maximum load of staff, and has thus reduce the costs and the cost of their services that will benefit customer. Effective organization of transport service for the trading company – one of the most important issues. Indeed, the only way to provide an additional level of service, as well as prevent the extinction of the "most running "position of the goods in the" rush hour ". And on what exactly "outperform" competitors – his motor vehicle or machinery partners – to address each manager, based on the logic of their own business.