Increasingly noticeable as the well-defined absence for good environmental policies have generated serious problems in the environment for many countries, where Venezuela does not escape this. Knows little interest in earlier Governments was given to environmental policies, especially to the protection of the environment, who has left significant traces in the country, not just in the deterioration of its climate, environment, but on the health of the same Venezuelan, where many people suffer from the consequences of environmental pollution, especially in the States of FalconMerida, Maracaibo, Carabobo, to mention a few. Very little seriousness has been given to what represents the responsibility of environmental pollution, while there is a law of the environment and its regulation, however, little is true what your items enclosed, and it shows as it is still polluting the environment, cities, where no doubt note the absence of an environmental culture and a government authority that makes everything that is respected the law holds in relation to environmental pollution. There is definitely a lack of environmental policy well defined, with their respective control systems guaranteeing the Venezuelan which identifies the productive sector, as well as other institutions, and the same people with the relevant that is to preserve the environment. It is very valid and interesting what exposes Cristina Frers, today the awareness that the environment in which we live is not an invulnerable and inexhaustible resource is being installed in the culture of today’s societies and the public agenda of the States. However, the management of environmental policies is still in its infancy the urgent challenges of the coming decades which is not ventured to assume that we will witness a deep environmental conversion of development and policy. Very well Frers, reminds us that environmental policy is the establishment of a harmonious and interrelated set of objectives, which are aimed at the improvement of the environment and proper management of natural resources.
Category: News
Julio Olalla
Is attributable to a punctual need, but it is convenient to reach part of the style of address of the person, applying it at all times in relations with its collaborators. Likewise suggests that the external Coaching: this method of training is that carried out by foreign agents external to the organization. It tries to boost the image directive not only within the Organization, but that it projects outside their four walls so that its scope is greater. This way the company will be known by the effectiveness of the managerial staff in charge, giving it a more human dimension. Benefits of a good Coaching management according the experience accumulated by the Coach Mexican Renato Gazmuri (2005), the benefits of a managerial Coaching process encompass the field of organizational, professional and personal (family). Some of the benefits that CITES Gazmuri: develops the skills and abilities and increases the conocimientos produces a high calidad improvement performance feedback and the productividad improves the behavior and attitude of the area increases learning capacity, in other words, learn to learn more rapido improvement the relationships between managers and improving the quality of life of all involucrados subordinados frees time Manager Coach produces more creative ideas possible barriers to managerial Coaching some of the potential barriers, real or not, drawn from the empirical experience, according to Gazmuri, explaining the rejection of some companies and / or managers not to apply and / or participate in a process of managerial Coaching are lack of timelack of resources and the pressures of short term for the achievement of the goals. Also the excuse that lack capacity and skill among executives of levels medium and low.
Fear of losing control and loss of power of the high administration, as well as the rigid traditional culture of each institution are other possible barrier to Coaching. For its part, Julio Olalla greater sums up that many, Coaching is resistance, which are usually due to three reasons: (1) demand for time, (2) induces the challenge faced with own feelings or fears and (3) generates redistribution of power. Essential elements for the success of managerial Coaching firstly having a Coach full, excellently prepared. Another prerequisite is that the client is eager to work with the Coach, with your help, extract and use all its potential; Accordingly, the Coaching process should be initiated only and exclusively if the client has the desire and the will to do it. Discipline in the development of the process (frequency, schedule, tasks), close communication between Coach and Coacheado, clear definition of objectives and indicators of achievements, a high degree of trust and confidentiality are important conditions during the process. Finally, the backrest of directors or confidence in the benefits of the method of Coaching and management to the Coacheados high provide the ideal framework for the success of all managerial Coaching.
Zang Environment
Observe the interior and exterior of the Interior body refers to the inside of the human body or to the internal environment of the body, while outside refers to the surface of the body or to the natural environment of which human beings are dependent.A human being is an organic whole and is closely related to the natural world. When a sick person, safe disease is closely related to a functional disorder of the Zang-Fu organs, Qi and blood, as well as the meridians and collaterals.The pathological changes in the interior of the body are manifested on the surface of the body.Therefore, in the diagnosis of a disease, internal changes can be inferred by observing the outer appearance, and systematic changes can be discovered by the observation of a localized area; internal pathological changes of Zang-Fu organs, qi and blood can be detected by studying signs and external symptoms.For example, if we observe redness, swelling and pain in the eyes caused by a rise in the liver fire, then, during the diagnosis, attention must be paid to manifestations such as reddened face, taut pulse, bitter taste in the mouth, or seburra yellow on the tongue. In other words, will have to connect the local changes with the systemic changes and discover the nature of the disease by its signs and external symptoms.On the other hand, the manifestation of the disease is usually defined and influenced by the natural environment. Phenomena such as alterations in climate, the sudden cold, or other sudden attacks to the body lead to disease.Therefore, pay attention to the interrelationships between the environment and the internal environment. Search for causal factors based on differentiation and determine the treatment according to the etiology this principle represents the major points in the determination of the treatment based on the differentiation of syndromes.This is explained in the following two aspects: concepts of symptom, syndrome and disease – symptom: irregular manifestations of a disease, such as headaches, fever, sweating, and/or thirst.
Calella Perfume
Refan, unique company in the market of perfume shop of marks to white, grows to a rate of 10 new monthly perfume shops of reference, being to the doors of some thirty, with its three last inaugurations in Granada (Lola Velasco, in the avenue of America, 40), in Alicante (two partners: Yolanda Pickett and Milane Cami, in c Bell Dtea, 24, in Alfaz of the Pi), and in Malaga (Carlos Gil, in c/Antonio Matelo, 1). The tax exemption of perfume shops has confirmed stops before the summer vacations of August the opening of at least other 20 new perfume shops of equivalence in Malaga (2), Barcelona (2), Cordova, Tenerife, Calella (Barcelona), Villafranca of the Panads (Barcelona) and Burgos, in June, and Xtiva (Valencia), Alicante, Even (Barcelona), Casteldefells (Barcelona), Legans (Madrid), Gij’on (Asturias), Saragossa (4) and Castelln, in July. As Sandra Carrin explains, person in charge of Expansion of the chain, the reasons are clear: In the times that we are living, is certain that white marks or products low COST are being favored at the time of gaining the preferences of the clients of any sector. It is more, until can get to say that the message has arrived at the consumer: economic prices with a good quality? And why it would have to pay more for that reason? . The maximum person in charge of development of this chain of perfume shops of equivalence explains that seeing in our establishments the wonderful acceptance that was having of the product on the part of the great public, and the total and absolute absence of a similar concept in the market, was question to secure a tax exemption model that adapted to our times, lowering the price of the costs to start up each perfume shop and power to arrive thus at a greater universe of possible franchise-holders: from the furniture, to the computer science system, and thus a long list of others, we can say that to an entrepreneur or investor, who wishes to become franchise-holder of Refan, can have its own business from 14,000 Euros more IVA. .
Scientist Demonstrates
Scientific experiment demonstrates that the savannah is false santa fetiche by which the catholics have turned aside themselves. *Y you will know the truth and the truth you will make free (Juan 8:32). * The sagradas writings of principle to aim in all books establish clearly whatever detests all-powerful God to the images and fetiches. Cuernavaca Morelos to 5 of October 2009. By: Jose Alberto Betanzos Salgado During all these years, one has stayed in the deceit to a great amount of people in the world, on the part of the catholic church that base its doctrine on the adoration and veneration to images and fetiches that have made him fame like asylums, (ace) of sanctity and divinity to material objects, supposedly done by man hands, that with these you practice mistaken, they do not promote the idolatry and fetichismo simultaneously and the politesmo, confusing the faith to a unique and true God, Jehovah of the armies. Nevertheless the truth always will fall by its own weight, as the case that today it occupies to present to us, that verifies the false sanctity or divinity or asylum that it gives the catholic church to him to the objects supposedly not done by man hands and who by many years have served as supposed testimony to have built miracles; being that a scientific experiment demonstrates that the savannah is false santa fetiche by which the catholics have turned aside themselves and of course by whom they do not know the content of the sagrada Bible, that from the beginning until the aim in all books establishes clearly whatever detests all-powerful God to the images and fetiches that people tend to adore and to kneel down by error of false doctrines. By means of the reproduction of a copy of the shroud savannah santa, in charge of the educational Italian scientist in chemistry Luigi Garlaschelli, in the university of Pavia to the north of Italy, using technical and material of year 1300, it could verify with this feat, his thesis of which the savannah santa was a falsification of the average age.
Proposed Strategies
LIVE the brand Diego Olmedilla, CEO of Aplus Field Marketing to nobody passes unnoticed change that has been generating companies, in terms of needs of communication and image and sales refers. Its passage, have emerged new strategies that go beyond public relations and advertising and you leave thinking that the mass media are the only way to reach the public. So things, the marketing field is constituted as an effective tool, capable of connecting directly with the emotions of people. The goal: living the brand. Any person, regardless of their profession or their lifestyle, receives an average of 3.
000 advertising impacts in a single day. Unwittingly, consumes advertising while it passes the pages of the newspaper in the morning, in the metro posters or listening to the radio while waiting patient that rush hour stops in its mission to delay its arrival anywhere. Stress is not easy for companies in the middle of this advertising avalanche against whom the public has to fight every day. Marketing directors know that they are not alone in the market, and therefore their strategies seek customers in power through a more emotional channel enabling it to effectively achieve their objectives. Proposed imaginative event is a component on the rise within the strategies of marketing and corporate communications, receiving an average of 17% of the budget that the companies earmarked for these actions. Hence, which the organizers consider the mode of reaching their target with the most creative proposals. The competitiveness of the sector has resulted in identifiers and original events of the brands that promote them.
The case of sporting events is whose organization is associated with different signatures. Today they are no longer mere sponsors of the encounters, they generate their own sporting events, making it in their media. Be creative when it comes to communicate the key message is as important as ensuring that the experience of the event remind the product or service you are presenting.
Liberal Party
During the first formed educationally to the rising bourgeois class, from the thought of Gabino Barreda (1818-1881). In the second phase, this new social class seeks to apply the principles of their training in various social sectors; among them, the politician. In this phase the positivism has an active role in Mexican politics, represented by scientists during the Government of Porfirio Diaz. In 1867 Mexico was devastated after having first faced in 1848 to United States, then to a French intervention. On September 16, 1867 Gabino Barreda gave civic prayer, where he interprets the story from positivist bases in Guanajuato. Education is the foundation of a society that gives people a unique cultural base, calling Barreda for Barreda common fund of truths, to organize a free and ordered society that would lead towards progress. Education then Barreda is an activity whose effects are projected in the social field, so that only a society could build to order from a common agreement, thus overcoming the years of civil strife that had passed through the country.
Barreda believed that education less than cannot at the same time a spring inexhaustible satisfaction, the safest, preliminary peace and social order, because he will put all citizens attitude of appreciating all the facts in a similar way, and by the same uniformara the views that as far as possible. Positivist education driven by Gabino Barreda will form a new social class, which will create the Partido del Progreso, loosening of the Liberal Party, which until then had moved. This party spread its positivist ideals through a newspaper called La Libertad, which was published until 1884. The newspaper ceased publication because the majority of its authors left academic life to deal with politics, going directly to the Cabinet of Porfirio Diaz during the presidential period from 1885 to 1888. It is named these intellectuals of scientists, thus making allusion to philosophical current, said to be attached.
Coaching, is taken by a person having as we talked sometimes, knowledge to treat the topics in which he has specialized, however, there are differences between what a coach and a mentor, in what each provides and where the limits, your help or far becomes involved with the person who asks for his help. Although it may seem the same, there are simply differences that make us see that they have to be seen in a different way and also, expect certain things from each. Because although they are both people who try to help us succeed in our goals, each works differently, a coach with a system or strategy, a mentor with experience, without having a fixed method, because it is not a person who specializes in helping their parents, rather, it is a person who transmits a knowledge without any implication that he knows how to do it, which engage with the person that motivates or if you do, you can do so without trying to understand human behavior or work with the personality of the person. Such details are those that differentiate a coach and a mentor, if you want to know more, I invite you to my blog for personal where you will find the rest of the article: differences between coach and mentor..
Gisela Valcarcel
Now if the electoral guerrita by municipal Chair and Chair of Pizarro has already begun. In this war in which all the opponents have oxtail straw and glass roof; they are ready to make any of them give free rein to their corrupt appetites. All absolutely, all and in various sizes, have some corrupt. And we voters, have unfortunately, for the sake of an attitude civic, choose one of them. This civic attitude that is a euphemism, makes us put us under an obligation to choose the lesser evil. That is the least corrupt. Castaneda with Comunicore, Lourdes with Catano, Kouri with Montesinos, and others with God knows what flown, they are same or similar in different measures.
Last night the weight of corruption hiso collapse the podium of keiko Fujimori in Piura. Thank God there were no human loss that regret. It should be careful from now on to attend demonstrations by other candidates, because another tabladillo may fall. I guess the manifestations of Kouri, that is the most corrupt of all. Jaime all dandy, last night began his program by throwing flowers into Monica Delta. He also spoke of the podium from Keiko that fell in Piura, saying that thank God nothing happened to the daughter of Fujimori.
He returned to pronounce itself on the Comunicore scandal. He said: Is comunicore very well with Castaneda to make pay them. In a single day was led 6 million dollars in cash, using other people, in 2006 Jaime insists in a real and true, that Castaneda had to pay the debt directly to Relima and not Comunicore. It is impossible that Castaneda has not heard anything. Jaime continued its programme talking Raul Romero and Gisela Valcarcel. But the truth is that all this is a strategy for a little rise of televission for channel four, which is a little low in this regard.
When our life is in then harmony we are ready to realise wonderful changes of life, it is necessary that all our being is oriented with our desires, that will allow us to reach the appropriate energy level so that the goals become a reality. You must make use all senses in direction of his desire, is necessary to speak, to listen, to feel, to think and to observe to obtain a wonderful synergy that it allows to a high degree of motivation and that him will turn into magnificent actions that will cause great results. In the book I AM HAPPY, I AM RICO of ANDREW CORENTT you you will discover great secrets that will allow abrir their mind him to the abundance and to discover the great power that is in its interior, when doing use of their true then faculties a life of success in all the areas of their life will arrive. A point to begin with important to turn our goal into irresistible is to have an enormous desire to obtain that goal that we are defining, that desire must be translated in actions, thoughts and feelings associated with the materialization of the goal as the secret of the power of the goals mentions Andrew Corentt in its book. In this book you will learn you form appropriate to solve to the internal conflicts that they prevent him to achieve his objectives, then you you will act as if you were in autopilot. The law of the attention makes reference that one in which we focused with much energy will grow in our life, for that reason is important to focus attention on our result, to think day and night about our change, to constantly see events, activities, people and circumstances associated to our goal, to read and to think continuously about that great intention that we have drawn up, of that way we will unfold an enormous energy, able to realise unimaginable efforts because our idea will be recorded in our subconscious mind.